JustPractice Technologies Inc.

Tomorrow's Tech in Today's Care


Our mission is to be able to help physicians improve the lives of patients through the use of insightful data analytics delivered in the most customer-centric way. Our vision is to be the most cutting edge medical technology and service provider globally to improve patient care through early prevention of diseases. Success looks like: Patients all over the world are being cared for proactively rather than acutely. Your diabetic friend has his sugar levels controlled and is now jogging with his wife rather than sitting at home with an amputated leg from a diabetic foot as a result of unmonitored, uncontrolled diabetes. Clinics and offices are reaching out to book appointments with patients to ensure all care gaps are addressed as much as patients are calling to book appointments to talk about their concerns. All mothers and daughters all over the world get to enjoy Christmas with their families at home instead of being in the hospital going through chemotherapy because of an insidious, undetected cervical cancer as a result of an outdated pap smear. For the fathers facing the inevitable diagnosis of lung cancer, he is able to live long enough to experience the bittersweet moment of walking his daughter down the aisle, all because of a low dose CT screen that was ordered to address a care gap, and resulted in an early diagnosis. This is the mission of JustPractice. This is why we exist. We exist to help doctors all over the world address care gaps that could be detrimental to their patients. We exist to help physicians provide preventative and proactive care. We exist to make the above scenarios possible at scale.